Profile photo of me

Hi, I'm Walter!

Right now, I'm on sabbatical working on personal projects. My current focus is on creating tools to help people get good sleep.

In 2024, I built VisaHacks, a tool that simplifies checking visa requirements for Indian passport holders, and SojuHWPX, an application for reading Korean legal documents.

From 2020 to 2023, I worked as a Product Manager at igloohome, where I led the launch of software for the Bridge (Bluetooth/WiFi gateway), the Padlock 2 (world's toughest smart padlock), the igloohome API (enterprise API product), and various other smart devices.

My formal educational background is in mechanical engineering at NUS and liberal arts at USP.

selected readings

The following are either:

  1. Ideas I regularly reflect on, or
  2. Recommendations I have for specific questions related to productivity or my interests

Sometimes it's both.







Email: walter.spades[at]